My articles

Man on snowboard sitting down

Nine words

Nine words was all it took to change my life. Nine words that drew a ruler straight line between the bright world of before and the uncertainty of after.  Nine words spoken by a French Doctor moments after I had been ejected from a CT scanner. “Do not move. Very Dangerous. You’ve broken your neck.” I should provide

Man with a tablet

OST: the simplest path to strategic thinking…

We all have goals. In both our work, and home life.  And one of the key elements that will determine whether you reach your goals, is a strategy.  In an increasingly hectic and fast moving world, with more and more complex problems, this is becoming harder than ever to achieve. One simple approach to ensuring

Man considers positive feedback

The positive power of feedback…

‘Are you sitting down?’ I looked around.  This was years before Teams or Zoom normalised video calls.  As with most of my conference calls, I was dialled in on my phone, headphone cable wrapped around my neck like a scarf and pacing nervously. ‘Should I be?’ I asked.  Genuinely curious, and now even more nervous.

Man with a tablet

The email that shaped my approach to leadership…

To a greater or lesser extent, we all have some sort of work persona.  An image we want to project or a perceived weakness we want to protect. But how far should we take this? Will this separation provide an emotional shield to help you succeed, or can it actually be a barrier to engagement? Several